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Kindergarten and Grade 1 Student Art Exhibition

Impressive artwork from Confederation Park Elementary’s Kindergarten and Grade One students is on display at Burnaby Neighbourhood House for the month of March. The North location at 4908 Hastings Street is hosting the exhibition, with the art available for viewing every Monday to Friday from 9:30am to 4:30pm.

´¡³ÙÌý, the daily sharing and presenting of student work provides students with opportunities to engage in the arts and develop skills in the competencies of communication, creative and critical thinking. Students also further develop their craft of music, art, drama and dance through regular weekly lessons in accordance with the Ministry of Education’s curriculum.

Student learning is celebrated and communicated with regular performances and showcases of their work both formal and informal. Through these sharing opportunities process is honoured and value is given to the learning that takes place through the course of the artistic connection. In addition, students and teachers participate in specialized projects where new skills are developed and enhanced through Artist-in-Residence programs. The school’s Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is invaluable and also has a significant role in all aspects of the school community.

LEARN MORE about Arts Education in Burnaby Schools.